De Animator
October 13, 2006 9:34 AM   Subscribe

It is uncommon to fire all six shots of a revolver with great suddenness when one would probably be sufficient. (fearsome flash friday fun). Battle zombies and contemplate he whose name cannot be spoken. No, not him.
posted by blackfly (34 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
posted by empath at 9:42 AM on October 13, 2006

damn the search function then! oh well. it's still fun. :)
posted by blackfly at 9:43 AM on October 13, 2006

I think this might be a later version, though. And it's still a great game.
posted by empath at 9:53 AM on October 13, 2006

At a new url, which is why search didn't find it. Very fun, though.
posted by rsanheim at 9:54 AM on October 13, 2006

grrr, 56
posted by casconed at 10:02 AM on October 13, 2006

Killed 94 zombies, switched to my shotgun, and discovered I had no shells. Whoops.
posted by monju_bosatsu at 10:10 AM on October 13, 2006

nice! (missed the first post)
posted by Busithoth at 10:16 AM on October 13, 2006

How do you switch to the shotgun? I found the shotgun, found the shells, but...
posted by LittleMissCranky at 10:22 AM on October 13, 2006

Love this game.

If memory serves, you're better off sticking with the revolver.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 10:23 AM on October 13, 2006

The shift key switches weapons.
posted by gleuschk at 10:52 AM on October 13, 2006

He sure screams like a girl.
posted by peeedro at 11:14 AM on October 13, 2006

I got 99, would have gotten more had I changed my monitor's mode for level 10.
posted by Matt Oneiros at 11:26 AM on October 13, 2006

wow the reload time on that shotgun sure sucks.
posted by juv3nal at 11:33 AM on October 13, 2006

Great game. 123 first try - didn't switch guns fast enough.
posted by chrisamiller at 11:34 AM on October 13, 2006

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can never get more than three or four. They only seem vulnerable in one spot and the closest ones are often too close to aim your gun low enough.
posted by CynicalKnight at 11:47 AM on October 13, 2006

Is it just me, or is shooting them while they're standing up the simplest way of killing them (with one shot)? Now, if there were a quick way to reload....
posted by kimota at 11:48 AM on October 13, 2006


Click on the zombie.

Much Better.
posted by CynicalKnight at 11:53 AM on October 13, 2006

Wasn't this on MeFi around a year ago?

Shoot them as they're coming up from the ground. One shot takes any zombie out when they're rising up.

The trick to the thin ones is to shoot them in the leg the first time. They drop down. Shoot them once more to kill them.

The big ones require three shots so best to kill them while they're emerging.

Also if you've 4 rounds left or less and there are no zombies shoot up all your remaining ammo and reload.
posted by enamon at 11:57 AM on October 13, 2006

CynicalKnight was right. If you click ON the zombie and fire, you never miss. That kind of made it not so fun and challenging any more.
posted by WaterSprite at 12:01 PM on October 13, 2006

posted by parmanparman at 12:11 PM on October 13, 2006

The big ones take 3 shots to kill until you get further on in the game. Then they take 4, 5, even 6. After about 525 zombies killed, the game gets hard. (I played this a lot when it was listed the first time.)
posted by JParker at 12:13 PM on October 13, 2006

  • Shoot them when they're standing up, gets them in one shot.
  • If the skinny ones make it to standing position, shoot them in the leg to knock them down, then one shot finishes them.
  • Keep your cursor on the bottom right of the screen, you can catch the big ones standing up as they poke their head out if you're fast.
  • However, shooting the front foot of one of the big guys scores a miss when they're way over on the right.
  • If you're fast you can get off a round right at the beginning that doesn't "register", i.e. you still have six in the chamber.
  • Don't use the shotgun until you absolutely have to (generally around 100).
  • If you do have to use the shotgun and they're coming in numbers, take out the big ones with the shotgun, then switch back to the pistol.
  • The shotgun does not reload automatically for the next round, so empty it by firing quickly as you kill the last zombie.
  • On the next turn, the revolver will always come up as the default weapon.
  • If there's a lull in the oncoming zombies, empty your revolver so it will reload.
  • At some point (around 400), you're just aiming into the mass of zombie bodies and emptying the revolver as fast as you can. Aim low to knock down the skinny ones.

    posted by JParker at 12:29 PM on October 13, 2006

    Got to 53 on my first game. Didn't try the shotgun. Simple but nicely creepy.
    posted by aerotive at 12:36 PM on October 13, 2006

    There's no way I'm going anywhere near that game.
    posted by InfidelZombie at 12:42 PM on October 13, 2006 [1 favorite]

    damn the search function then! oh well. it's still fun. :)

    I thought about posting this when I found it around a month ago, but a search for 'de-animator' seemed to work fine for me.
    posted by ChasFile at 12:43 PM on October 13, 2006

    I was at around 135 when the last shotgun round before I had to reload missed, even though I clicked on the guy


    It would be nice if you could switch weapons when your gun is empty, rather than after his tedious reloading. Anyone with experience killing zombies knows that you switch between weapons before reloading when you're in a crunch. Geeze.
    posted by The God Complex at 1:21 PM on October 13, 2006


    press tab to cycle between zombies, ENTER to kill each one without using ammo
    posted by anthill at 1:23 PM on October 13, 2006

    press tab to cycle between zombies, ENTER to kill each one without using ammo

    ...and with that, we become GODS.
    posted by phylum sinter at 2:15 PM on October 13, 2006

    ok, can someone pls tell me how to switch to the shotgun and then back to revolver?
    posted by forwebsites at 4:12 PM on October 13, 2006

    At some point (around 400), you're just aiming into the mass of zombie bodies and emptying the revolver as fast as you can. Aim low to knock down the skinny ones.

    Sooner or later you lose.

    What this game needs is a "found minigun".
    posted by bwg at 4:18 PM on October 13, 2006

    ok, can someone pls tell me how to switch to the shotgun and then back to revolver?

    *shift* switches between weapons.

    Another thing that's important: You can shoot all six shots out of your gun, but it won't reload until you click a seventh time. You can use this to your advantage by shooting all six, then quickly switching to the shotgun to get a few more shots off with no lag time.
    posted by chrisamiller at 4:45 PM on October 13, 2006

    true, it's a double, but this has nostalgia tie-ins... finding out how cool the woman was that I was dating (and have now been with for a long time) when she saw me struggling with the newly undead and shouted "It's a zombie -- shoot it in the head!!"
    posted by dreamsign at 2:08 AM on October 14, 2006

    217 on first go but I did play it for a good 20 minutes the first time it was posted.
    posted by Leud at 4:54 AM on October 14, 2006

    Aw, dreamsign, that's sweet. You two may end up being the last couple alive and repopulating the earth after a zombie plague. I for one would welcome a picture of the pair of you in your zombie-slayin' duds.
    posted by imperium at 6:30 AM on October 14, 2006

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